10-й конкурс ініціативи Clean Sky 2

10-й конкурс ініціативи Clean Sky 2, що спрямований на дослідження і розробки в галузі авіації, офіційно відкритий

62 теми конкурсу опубліковані на Funding & Tenders Portal в розділі H2020 / Societal Challenges / Smart green and integrated Transport. Там же Ви знайдете повний опис процедури подачі заявки і шаблони для її підготовки.

З остаточним описом тем можна ознайомитися в цьому документі: Full and Formal Description of Topics.

Термін подачі заявок – 03 вересень 2019 р

Звертаємо увагу, що в темах конкурсу Clean Sky 2 чітко сформульовані роботи, що передбачені для виконання партнером (-ами) в рамках потенційного проекту. Крім того ініціатива Clean Sky 2 допускає проектні заявки, подані як однією організацією, так і консорціумом.

Бажаємо успіху українським організаціям в новому конкурсі!

Загальні дані проектних оголошень

  • Програма: Горизонт 2020
  • Категорія: Клімат
  • Дата відкриття: 21 May 2019
  • Модель розгляду: одна стадія
  • Термін подання: 03 вересня 2019 17:00:00 за Брюселем
Назва, посилання і код проекту Тип проекту
1.          Low speed handling quality and innovative engine integration of a new configuration aircraft JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-01-41 Innovation action
2.          Development of a methodology (test, measurement, analysis) to characterize the behaviour of composite structures under dynamic loading JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-01-42 Research and Innovation action
3.          Verification of advanced simplified HLFC concept with variable porosity JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-01-43 Research and Innovation action
4.          Development of a methodology to optimize a wing composite panel with respect to tyre damage certification requirement JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-01-44 Research and Innovation action
5.          Coupon and element testing and manufacturing of test article for morphing technologies JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-01-45 Innovation action
6.          Increasing the efficiency of pulsed jet actuators for flow separation control JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-77 Research and Innovation action
7.          Application of graphene based materials in aeronautical structures for de-icing, lightning strike protection, fire barrier and water absorption prevention purposes JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-78 Innovation action
8.          Development of FEM fastener parametric/adaptable sizing tool including EMC impact, and manufacturing and EMC/LSP testing of demonstrators JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-79 Innovation action
9.          Innovative flight data measurements to support the aerodynamic analysis of a compound helicopter demonstrator JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-80 Innovation action
10.      Active Flow control on Tilt Rotor lifting surfaces JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-81 Research and Innovation action
11.      Innovative approaches for interior Noise Control for Next Generation Civil Tilt Rotor JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-82 Research and Innovation action
12.      Innovative weight measurement system for Tilt Rotor application JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-83 Innovation action
13.      Modular platform development for Tilt Rotor final assembly JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-84 Innovation action
14.      Development of a multifunctional system for complex aerostructures assembly, assisted by neural network softwares JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-85 Innovation action
15.      Development of equipment for composite recycling process of uncured material JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-02-86 Innovation action
16.      End of Life (EoL) for biomaterials JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-03-07 Research and Innovation action
17.      Disassembly and recycling of innovative structures made of different Al-Li alloys JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-03-08 Research and Innovation action
18.      Scrapping of carbon reinforced thermoplastic materials JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-AIR-03-09 Research and Innovation action
19.      Innovative kinematic analysis to incorporate multiple functions within a movable surface JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-FRC-01-28 Research and Innovation action
20.      Smart Active Inceptors System development for Tilt Rotor application JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-FRC-01-29 Innovation action
21.      Multipurpose bench for Tiltrotor equipment functional test JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-FRC-01-30 Innovation action
22.      Theoretical and experimental evaluations of strain field modification induced by flaws in loaded composite structures JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-REG-01-18 Research and Innovation action
23.      Innovative Noise Generation System for testing of Regional Cabin Interior Noise reduction JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-REG-01-19 Innovation action
24.      SHMS and Dynamic fields sensors development JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-REG-02-06 Research and Innovation action
25.      Ultra-High Aspect ratio wings JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-THT-07 Research and Innovation action
26.      Experimental and numerical noise assessment of distributed propulsion configurations JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-THT-08 Research and Innovation action
27.      Disruptive Active Flow Control for aircraft engine applications JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-THT-09 Research and Innovation action
28.      Non-intrusive, seedless measurement system: design, development, and testing JTI-CS2-2019-CFP10-THT-10 Research and Innovation action
29.      Low NOx / Low soot injection system design for spinning combustion technology JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-ENG-01-43 Research and Innovation action
30.      Revalorisation of Recycled Carbon Fibers and CFRP preparation through Eco design [ECO] JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-ENG-04-08 Innovation action
31.      Development of a distributed CFD platform for collaborative design JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-72 Innovation action
32.      Innovative Thrust Reverser Actuator System (ITRAS) JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-73 Innovation action
33.      UHBR Engine Studies for Aircraft Operations and Economics JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-74 Innovation action
34.      Advanced solutions for 2030+ UHBR Core Noise reduction JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-75 Innovation action
35.      Supporting implementation of 2030+ UHBR low noise fan technology solutions through enhanced modeling capabilities JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-76 Innovation action
36.      Advanced Pitch Control Mechanism TRL4 Demonstration JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-77 Innovation action
37.      Innovative turbine cavity swirl control systems through Additive Manufacturing JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-78 Research and Innovation action
38.      Development of multidisciplinary design tools for rapid concept design for aero engine components JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-79 Innovation action
39.      Rear fuselage and empennage shape optimization including anti-icing technologies JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-80 Research and Innovation action
40.      Fiber reinforced thermoplastics manufacturing for stiffened, complex, double curved structures JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-81 Innovation action
41.      Development of Thermoplastic press forming Tool for Advanced Rear End Closing Frame Prototype and Tooling 4.0 for Assembly and transportation of the Advanced Rear End Prototype JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-82 Innovation action
42.      Development and simulation of a forming process for LE HLFC wing outer skins JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-83 Innovation action
43.      Development of a manufacturing process and a manufacturing unit for production of a laser treated titanium panel with a 3D printed substructure JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-84 Innovation action
44.      Design and manufacturing of multi-functional Ice Protection System power feed/monitoring lines and Shielding/High-lift electrical actuation system for a HLFC Wing demonstrator JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-85 Innovation action
45.      Develop and test Power Efficient Actuation Concepts for Separation Flow Control at large aerodynamic areas requiring very low actuation energy JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-86 Innovation action
46.      Loop Heat Pipe development for severe environment JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-01-87 Innovation action
47.      Development of innovative welding systems for structural joints of Thermoplastic matrix based Composites JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-02-30 Innovation action
48.      Development of short fibre reinforced thermoplastic airframe clips and brackets using factory waste JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-02-31 Innovation action
49.      Innovative miniaturized sensing device for large wave length spectrum reception capability as a tool for quality control and aircraft maintenance JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-LPA-02-32 Research and Innovation action
50.      Enhanced digital georeferenced data models for cockpit use JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-01-15 Innovation action
51.      Innovative processing for flight practices improvement JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-01-16 Innovation action
52.      New Efficient production methods for 94 GHz (W-band) waveguide antennas JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-01-17 Innovation action
53.      Low-profile/drag electronically steerable antennas for In-Flight Connectivity JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-01-18 Innovation action
54.      VOC filtration device for Inerting System JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-01-19 Innovation action
55.      Innovative high flow rate constant pressure valve for inert gas discharge from pressurized vessels JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-01-20 Innovation action
56.      Grey Water Container with Reduced Biofilm Growth JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-01-21 Innovation action
57.      Automatic Haptic System Test Bench for Active Inceptors JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-02-58 Innovation action
58.      Innovative DC/DC converter for HVDC power sources hybridization JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-02-59 Innovation action
59.      Toward a Digital Twin ECS and thermal management architecture models : Improvement of MODELICA libraries and usage of Deep Learning technics JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-02-60 Innovation action
60.      Vapor Cycle System – Heat Exchanger performance 3D modeling with different new low GWP refrigerantsJTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-02-61 Research and Innovation action
61.      Electro-Mechanical Landing Gear system integration for Small Aircraft [SAT] JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-03-23 Innovation action
62.      Power Semiconductor Device module using Silicon Carbide devices for a relatively high-frequency, circa 100kW aircraft motor drive applications JTI-CS2-2019-CfP10-SYS-03-24 Innovation action