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National Ecological Centre of Ukraine

International Union for Conservation of Nature

4, Vatsleva Havela boulevard, Kyiv 01032, Ukraine

+380-44-2386260 work

info.necu at


National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU) is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization created in 1991 when Ukraine has obtained independence. NECU consolidates individuals for common action to protect the environment.

Among NECU members are scientists, journalists, artists and other people who are willing to add their own effort to environmental protection. The organization has branches in a dozen of Ukrainian cities.

NECU conducts analytical research and engages with state officials to bring environmental considerations into their decisions.

NECU is willing to maintain political and economic independence, therefore it doesn’t accept money from political parties or business corporations. Currently NECU relies on funding from development programs of European governments and international organizations.

NECU is working for new nature protection zones creation to keep unique species of animals and plants in their natural environment. NECU also makes sure that the existing protected territories remain untouched.

NECU is trying to redirect the energy policy of Ukraine away from nuclear energy development and fossil fuel toeards energy efficient economy and alternative energy sources.

NECU is a member of Ukrainian NGO Working Group on climate change that works to integrate climate change issues into Ukrainian government policies.

NECU is also a member of CEE Bankwatch Network, Ukrainian River Network, IUCN.


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