Scientific and Production Center of Unmanned Aviation “Virazh”

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Scientific and Production Center of Unmanned Aviation “Virazh”

National Aviation University

1 Cosmonaut Komarov prospect, 11 Academic Building (DOC), Kyiv 03058, Ukraine

+380-44-4067147 work
+380-44-4067154 work/fax

Activity of the Scientific and Production Center of Unmanned Aviation “Virazh” (SPCUV “Virazh”) is focused on designing and development of modern competitive unmanned aviation technology industrial mass production in order to use it for the economical benefits.

The main tasks of SPCUV “Virazh” are:

  • designing and development of unmanned aircraft (UAV) of different classes, assignments, with different layout schemes and individual on-board systems;
  • designing, research and production of power plants of UAV;
  • development of holistic unmanned aircraft systems (UAS);
  • UAV flight tests using the corresponding certification procedures;
  • technological processes development for UAV manufacturing parts with the help of modern and advanced structural materials;
  • system analyses in the sphere of unmanned aviation;
  • participation in the legal support improvement for the development and application of UAV in the airspace;
  • training of UAV ground staff and development of their direct training programs and techniques.

Designing is conducted with the help of the following software means: “ANSYS”, “SolidWorks”, “AutoCAD”, “Compass” and others.

To comply with European and international requirements for the development of unmanned aircraft, such standards and regulations are used in the center: AП-23, AП-25, AП-39, STANAG, ICAO documents, EASA, Eurocontrol, NATO.


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