Bondarenko Olegh

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Olegh Bondarenko

DSc. (radiobiology), NCRPU member

Head of Department for Innovation Project Management in Education

National Aviation University

+380-44-4067983 work
+380-50-7848214 mob

1 Cosmonaut Komarov prospect, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine


1975 – 1980, Kyiv State University, Ukrainian SSR, Physics Department, Diploma No. ZhV-I 046549, speciality – Experimental Nuclear Physics

Scientific publications

  • More than 70 scientific publications including 1 monography.
  • Web of Science: h-index – 6, No. of citations – 89.
  • Google Scholar: No. of references – 166, h-index – 9, i10 index – 8.

Professional experience

  • 2017 – till now. Management of innovation activity in the National Aviation University, Kyiv.
  • 2015 – 2017. Combatant of Ukrainian-Russian war (Eastern Ukraine), development and implementation of innovative technologies in the defense sector of Ukraine.
  • 2011 – 2015. Lawmaking expert and educational activity in nuclear and ecological fields.
  • 1986 – 2011. Involvement in research, monitoring programs and countermeasures concerning mitigation of consequences of the Chornobyl nuclear accident. The last position (2005 – 2011) – director of Chornobyl Radioecological Centre (state enterprise located in Chornobyl city).
  • 1993 – 1994, Colchester English Study Centre and Physics Department of Bristol University, United Kingdom (the British Council award).
  • 1982 – 1986. Institute for Nuclear Physics, Kyiv. Researcher in double-beta decay experiments.

Other training

Diploma No. KN 001620, speciality 03.00.01 radiobiology. Defence took place on November 26, 1992 at Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine, Special Scientific Council D016.38.02. Dissertation title “Retrospective Assessment of Hot Particle Parameters after the Chornobyl Accident and Dosimetric Support of Radiobiological Research”.

Diploma No. DD 002540, speciality 03.00.01 radiobiology. Defense took place on April 15, 2002 at Kyiv National Tarasa Shevchenka University, Biology Department, Special Scientific Council D26.001.24. Dissertation title “Problems of dosimetry of internal irradiation of human by transuranium radionuclides”.


Ukrainian, Russian and English (all fluently)

Other skills (selected proofs)

  • Member of the Public Council of the State Inspectorate for Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine since January 2018.
  • Member of the National Radiation Protection Commission of Ukraine since 2009.
  • Chornobyl wastes Project co-ordination unit (CW PCU, TACIS). Deputy Director, responsible for co-ordination of the projects at the Chornobyl exclusion zone, 2005.

  • Basic radiation safety standards of Ukraine (NRBU-97) DGN 6.6.1.-6.5.001-98 /Ministry of Health of Ukraine.- Kyiv, 1997.- 121 p.
  • Main sanitary rules for radiation protection of Ukraine (OSPU). /Ministry of Health of Ukraine.- DSP 6.074.120– 01, Kyiv, 2001.
  • Main reference levels, clearance levels and action levels for radioactivity contamination of objects at the Chornobyl Exclusion zone /Ministry of Health of Ukraine.- GN, Kyiv, 2001.
  • Likhtarev I.A., Repin V.S., Bondarenko O.A. and Nechaev S.Ju. Do Chernobyl Particles Represent a Public Health Hazard? Working Material for the IAEA Research Programme on The Radiological Impact of Hot Beta-particles from the Chernobyl Fallout: Risk Assessment held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-10 September 1993, J1-RC-478.2, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 1994.
  • Bondarenko O.A. , Salmon P.L., Henshaw D.L. and Fews A.P. Performance of Alpha particle spectroscopy Using a TASTRAK Detector. Radiation Measurements, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 59-64, 1996.
  • O.A.Bondarenko, P.B.Aryasov, D.V.Melnichuk, S.Y.Medvedev. Analysis of aerosol distribution inside the Object “Shelter” at the Chornobyl nuclear reactor site. Health Physics, August 2001, Vol. 81, No. 2, p. 114-123.
  • Oleg O. Bondarenko, Mykola I. Proskura, Klaus E. Duftschmid, Nikolay E. Kravchenko. Securing the Chornobyl exclusion zone against illegal movement of radioactive materials. CD-ROM proc. of the Congress of Int. Radiation Protection Association (IRPA-11), May 23-24, 2004, Madrid, Spain, 2E6, P.11.
  • Oleg Bondarenko, Sergiy Medvedev, Dmytro Melnychuk. State-of-the-art and ways of solving the problems of radon dose monitoring in Ukraine. CD-ROM proc. of the Congress of Int. Radiation Protection Association (IRPA-11), May 23-24, 2004, Madrid, Spain, 6A14, P.17.

  • Launch of UAVHUB (international forum on development and application of UAVs/UAS) under support of H2020 CSA project RADIAN, October 12-13, 2018.
  • TACIS Project U4.01/05 “Establishment of a comprehensive radiation monitoring and early warning system in the chernobyl exclusion zone”, 2008-2011.
  • International training for the Inspection of CTBTO in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, 2007.
  • “Development of a prototype of specilised dosimeter with a computerized logging of measurements”, contract No. 26/36n-05 dated 16.11.2005 state registration No. 105U008661, sci. coordinator O.O.Bondarenko, 2005-2006.
  • “Development of the method for determination of the internal effective dose for the personnel of SSE ChNPP and its contractors”, No. SR 0104U008622, sci. coordinator, 2004.
  • “Methodological and instrumental support of internal dosimetry of the personnel of the Object “Shelter”, state reg. No. DR 0196U024135, sci. coordinator, 1996-2000.


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