Movchan Yaroslav

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Yaroslav Movchan

Doctor of Biology, Professor of Chair of Ecology


Head of Laboratory of Ecosafety, Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Safety


National Aviation University


+380-63-8350494 mob

1 Cosmonaut Komarov prospect, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine


Key qualifications:

  • international cooperation in environmental protection including biodiversity conservation;
  • environmental project management,
  • research experience in environmental studies,
  • including its biological components,
  • environmental analytical chemistry of fresh and brackish water pollution including organic micro pollutants;
  • heavy metals;
  • oil products, etc.

Membership of professional bodies:

  • Ukrainian Botanical Society;
  • Hydroecological Society of Ukraine;
  • editorial board of the biweekly “Living Ukraine”;
  • Member of Ukrainian Association of Club of Roma.

Personal skills:

  • team leadership qualities;
  • excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
  • proactive approach to problem solving;
  • capable of working hard;
  • strong organizational and time management skills;
  • good report-writing skills;
  • easy learning and quick adaptation to new fields of activity.

Participation in development of interdisciplinary projects:

  • Elaboration the draft of Changes to the State Programme on national econet formation (for the MEP of Ukraine, 2007-2008);
  • Environmental Performance Review of Estonia (chapter on Nature Conservation, for the CEP UN/ ECE, Genève-Tallinn, 1995);
  • Conservation and sustainable use of natural and semi-natural forests in Central and Eastern Europe (for the IUCN, 1995 – 1996);
  • Natural landscape factors of the Ukrainian national development (for the National Committee of Science and Technology, 1992 – 1993).Legislative activity (Participation in elaboration of the drafts of documents);
  • National Strategy on Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black and Azov Seas (1998);
  • Law of Ukraine on Plant Kingdom (1998);
  • National Strategy and Program on Biological Diversity Conservation (drafts, 1997; 2004; 2005);
  • Water Code of Ukraine (1995);
  • National Program on Prospective Development of Protected Areas in Ukraine (1994);
  • Law of Ukraine on Animal Kingdom (1993, 2001);
  • Law of Ukraine on Environmental Protection (1992);

Arrangement of ratification the following conventions: Bucharest (1994), CBD (1994), Bern (1996-1999), Ramsar (1996), Bonn (1999), Aarhus (1999), Florence (2002), Carpathian (2004).

Other information:

  • Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine on Science and Engineering (2005);
  • Author over 200 sci. publications, including monographs and articles in international editions.

Participation in scientific research:

  • “Environmental Impact Assessment in the feasibilitystudy on construction PivdennoukrainskaWindPower Station(PWPS) of totalcapacity of 500MW in Berezan district, Mykolayiv region (IFC methodology)” (2007)
  • “Environmental impact Assessment at the stage of technical and economical decision on construction of West Crimean Wind Plant (WP) of 250 MW total capacity in Chornomorskii district of AR Crimea (IFC methodology)” (2008)
  • “Development of scientific principles and guidelines on reconstruction and amelioration antropohenizovanyh landscapes of Ukraine” (Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, 2008)
  • “Draft Consolidated scheme of Econet” (Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, 2008)
  • “Research vulnerabilities economy to climate change adaptation measurees and defenitions” (Ministry of EnvironmentalProtection of Ukraine, 2008)
  • “Environmental Impact Assessment in the feasibilitystudy on construction Tylihul Wind Power Station(TWPS) of totalcapacity of500MW in Berezan district, Mykolayiv region (IFC methodology)” (2009)
  • “Research of the influence of physical and biological factors on the condition of air” (Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, 2009)
  • “Drafting of a national target program on the Protection and Rehabilitation of the Azov and Black Seas”(Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, 2009)
  • “Research of energy efficiency for economy of Ukraine in 2009. Systematization of relevant information and analysis” (National Agency of Ukraine on Ensuring Efficient Use of Energy Resources Management, 2010)
  • “Development of a method of calculating the rate of energy intensity of GRP” (National Agency of Ukraine on Ensuring Efficient Use of Energy Resources Management, 2010)

Professional experience:

  • Since September 2007 – Head of Laboratory of EcoSafety (Sci. – Educational Centre on Eco- and BioSafety of National Aviation University) / Professor of Chair of Ecology (Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Safety)
  • October 2006 – September 2007 – Naturalist (free-lance; expert works for Environmental Encyclopedia, NEC of Ukraine, etc.)
  • April 2000 – October 2006 – Head of Department of Protection, Use and Rehabilitation of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine / Director of Directorate of Bio-, Water and Land Resources and Econet of MEP of Ukraine
  • April 1999 – April 2000 – Consultant of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (Parliament) on environmental and land policy / Head of Laboratory of System Developments of Ukrainian Research Institute on Environment and Natural Resources of National Council of Defense and Security
  • March 1993- January 1999 – Deputy Minister (Ministry for Environmental Protection of Ukraine)
  • May 1992 – March 1993 – Executive Director of the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NGO)
  • February 1983 – May 1992 – Scientific researcher of the Department of Geobotany of the Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the Institute of Botany.


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