Artamonov Yevhen

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Yevhen Artamonov

System engineer (NAU, 2000), Candidate of Technical Sciences (2011)

Associate Professor, Dept for Computerized Control Systems

Institute for Computer Information Technologies, National Aviation University

+380-50-4438896 mob

1 Cosmonaut Komarov prospect, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine

Personal summary

Passed all stages of the development cycle of software and hardware – to conclude an agreement to the final of sales. Have a high level of communicative ability and to determine the potential of the project participants with a single interview.

Currently specializes in organizing teams for the implementation of small and complex software and engineering projects, training courses, conducting mass of scientific events (conferences, seminars, competitions).

Have over 15 years experience in the educational process, of building courses, content disciplines new approaches to their disclosure.

Accustomed to combine different types of activities, without prejudice to the result. Development of skills to lead up to 7 parallel projects of various kinds.

Highly motivated with a proven ability to develop people and commercialize all aspects of a business.

Most feel comfortable in the presence of personal freedom in the choice of methods for achieving and controlling the result, not the process.

Areas of expertise

  • Strategic planning
  • Market research
  • Business development
  • Feasibility studies
  • Conduct negotiations
  • Product development
  • Project management
  • Operational management
  • Performance management
  • Customer Service
  • Leadership development
  • Organization of events
  • Organization of training courses

Personal skills

  • Strong leadership
  • High energy
  • Team builder
  • Realistic optimist

Work experience


  • 1997-1999 – software engineer (MEDICOM MNIC BIO-ECOS)
  • 1997-2000 – an electronics engineer (Kiev International University of Civil Aviation)
  • 2003-2006 – coach Team Programming University, member of the jury.
  • 2005-present – responsible for the automation of the NAU academic departments


  • March 2000 – present – teacher at the National Aviation University (2000-2004 – Assistant professor, 2004-2012 – senior lecturer, 2012-present – associate professor)
  • 2002-present – teacher at the courses – IT-direction ( “Profit” (2002-2003), “The prospect of the XXI” (2002-2003), NAU (2004-present), “ProTech” (2016-present)).


  • 2003-2009 – scientist secretary of the department (40 employees)
  • 2007-present – the curator of the second higher education and advanced training courses (responsible for the 4 groups of continuing education (40 students), 5-6 groups of training (15-20 students per group), the organization of work 10 teachers)
  • 2012-present – deputy head of the department (30 employees)
  • 2013-present – the owner of the private enterprise “ProTech” (9 employees)
  • 2014-2015 – CEO (20 employees)
  • 2014-present – CEO (15 employees)
  • 2016- present – CEO BrailleTeach Ukraine (15 employees) & CTO BrailleTeach Azerbaijan (10 employees)
  • 2016-present – Chief of project Automatezed system of control University education process (17 employees)

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