Creation of NAU Scientific Park

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Scientific park as innovative environment

Traditional system of management of the National Aviation University is acknowledged by many university staff as being too centralized and over-regulated first of all because the University is a state establishment.

That is why the Scientific Park (SP) is intended to become an alternative and at the same time to complement the existing state management system and is aimed to fulfilling the mission of the University.

The legislation of Ukraine outlines the purpose and functions of the SP. Thus, the purpose of creating a scientific park is the development of scientific, technical and innovation activities at a higher educational establishment and / or scientific institution, efficient and rational use of available scientific potential, material and technical basis for commercialization of scientific research results and their implementation in the domestic and foreign markets.

The main functions of the scientific park have been established (in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Scientific Parks”):

  • creation of new types of innovative product, implementation of measures for their commercialization, organization and provision of production of knowledge-intensive, innovative products competitive on the domestic and foreign markets,
  • involving students, graduates, postgraduates, scientists and employees of a higher educational institution and / or a scientific institution to the development and implementation of projects of a scientific park,
  • assistance in the development and support of small innovative enterprise,
  • organization of training, retraining and professional development of specialists necessary for the development and implementation of projects of the scientific park,
  • attraction and use of risk (venture) capital in its activity, support of science-intensive production,
  • development of international and domestic cooperation in the field of scientific and technical and innovation activities, promotion of attracting foreign investments.

Thus, the SP itself should act as the engine of innovative transformations of the University by creating new values:

  • Intangibles
    • Management Strategic Changes
    • Raising the image and brand status of NAU
    • Strengthening the institution of leadership
    • Innovation generation
    • Research driving education
    • Development of innovation ecosystem
    • Project management culture
  • Material values
    • Commercialization of developments
    • Investment attractiveness
    • Creation of jobs
    • Ensuring student practice
    • Prospects of employment of graduates

What University expects from Scientific Park?

In addition to achieving the goal and performance of the functions of the SP in accordance with the Law of Ukraine;

  1. Creation of favorable and attractive normative-legal and financial-organizational conditions of the project activity in SP for attraction of projects, investors, advanced project teams and technologies, etc.;
  2. Establishment of close and mutually beneficial relations of the University with the national and international aerospace industry, high-tech business, other universities, etc.;
  3. Creating a comfortable office environment with a set of necessary services available;
  4. Provide additional training and work places for students, graduates, post-graduate students, scientists and university employees;
  5. Modernization and updating of technical, technological, methodical equipment of the base of scientific and technical developments;
  6. Creation, development and support of the innovative project portfolio of the University;
  7. Creation of sustainable innovation ecosystem – students startups incubator, accelerator for both hardware and software, offices for startups.

In 2017 the University also identified the main priorities of its innovative development by approving the relevant Concept.

Results of SWOT analysis

The findings of the recent SWOT-analysis (held at the University in November 2018) with the participation of a wide range of respondents (about 80, mostly heads of divisions) served the evidence of the conclusions above. Among other things, there was a vision of the opportunities that the University needs to use to achieve significant progress in its development. Namely, the two following responses came of the five top ranking ones in section “Opportunities”:

  • Creation of mechanisms and conditions for attracting investors.
  • Restoration of scientific park of NAU with the purpose of commercialization of own developments.

Road map of the creation of Scientific Park

At the end of October 2018, the Rector of the University launched the process of creating a scientific park as a legal entity by issuing a corresponding order.

The roadmap for the creation of the scientific park is presented in the figure:

Main tasks at the initiation stage

There are several main tasks to be solved at the initiation stage, namely:

  1. Preparation of the necessary package of documents for the state registration of the Scientific Park.
  2. Approval of the registration package of documents with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  3. Selection of the premises of the University for the placement of the Scientific Park.
  4. Search, negotiation, involvement of: co-founders, investors, sponsors, partners, starting projects, formation of a pool of companies.


For addressing all the issues regarding creation, participatory activities, the project ideas etc. concerning the NAU Science Park, please contact the project office of NAU, and also directly to its head Dr. Olegh Bondarenko.


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