International Pilot Training Center of National Aviation University

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State investment project of the International Pilot Training Center creation for civil aviation of Ukraine and the EU according to European requirements JAR-FCL1.

The international aviation transport market is dynamically developing with an annual increase in 3-5%. The growth of the Ukrainian economy and signing of the Agreements with the countries of the European Union on “open sky” as well as lifting of visa restrictions for Ukrainian citizens, significantly increased flow of passengers from / to Ukraine.

The aviation industry receives a positive impulse for development and has an urgent need to provide a sufficient number of aviation specialists to meet it own needs.

According to the statistical data of the Ministry of Infrastructure during 11 months of 2017, Ukrainian airlines performed:

  • 85.2 thousands commercial flights (more on 16% compared to the same period in 2016).
  • Transportation of 9 827 thousand passengers (more on 30% compared to the same period of 2016).

The need for the European air transport market – 10,700 new pilots, according to the share of air transportation in Ukraine (about 3%), the need of Ukraine is 320 pilots per year.

The aim of the project is to establish an International Pilot Training Center (ICCP) on the basis of the National Aviation University (NAU) for civil aviation of Ukraine and the EU in accordance with European requirements JAR-FCL1.

The estimated number of student-pilots studying at the expense of the state budget is 60, students of the contract form are 60, expected number of trained pilots on a commercial basis – up to 120 people per year. In addition to theoretical training and higher education, students- pilots will complete a full course of practical training – 200 hours of flight, to obtain a CPL certificate – “Commercial Pilot License” that meets the requirements of European standards for a pilot training program. NAU has a certificate of compliance with the Certification Regulations of Aviation Training Institutions of civil aviation in Ukraine, and is authorized to prepare for obtaining a crew member’s certificate (FTO) and making a qualification marks in the certificate of a crew member (TRTO). Certificate issued by the State Aviation Service of Ukraine dated on September 12, 2017, UA / FTO-005/2017 series АА №018043, valid till September 12, 2020.

In order to realize the project’s goal, it is planned to construction the facilities of the International Pilot Training Center close to the runway “Antonov-2” (Gostomel) purchase equipment:

  • 2 flight simulators of the class FNTPІІ;
  • 8 planes K-10;
  • 4 planes Cessna 172;
  • 8 planes Tecnam P2008;
  • 4 planes Tecnam P2006;
  • recovery and modernization of 4 Л410 UVP-E aircraft;
  • overhaul of artificial runway with landing directions 118° -298° of the Kropyvnitsky Flight Academy of NAU, equipment of this runway with a new light-signaling system and acquisition of aviation ground equipment. Total cost of the project – 308 569,4 thousand UAH.

Two aerodromes will be the destination for training flights and the launch of airplanes: the Antonov-2 aerodrom (Gostomel); aerodrom of Kropyvnitsky Flight Academy of NAU.

Sketch of project of the International pilot training center “Antonov 2” aerodrom (Gostomel)

The implementation of this project will fully meet the needs of airlines in Ukraine, partly the airlines of the EU and countries of Africa and the Middle East in highly skilled pilots. It will ultimately increase flight safety and directly reputation of the National Aviation University (NAU) and airlines of Ukraine. It also provides for the retraining of military pilots to obtain a certificate from a commercial pilot providing social protection for air forces officers who have completed their service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Please address all the issues, questions, comments, proposals regarding the project to the NAU Project Office.


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