Development of Ukrainian regions based on territory marketing

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Economical development of Ukrainian regions based on territory marketing

The project involves studying the experience of implementing marketing tools into the economic and economic activity of particular territorial units of the European Union aiming the development of a theoretical framework for creating conditions for socio-economic growth of Ukrainian regions on a basis of territory marketing.

Goals and results of the project

The overall objective of the project is to develop a scientific and methodological support for the sustainable development of economic and social activities of economic entities at certain territories and the corresponding market infrastructure on a basis of territory marketing.

Goal 1. Ensuring the sustainable development of the industrial activity of a territorial unit and its market infrastructure.

  • Result 1.1. Expansion of markets for industrial enterprises.
  • Result 1.2 Modernization of the market infrastructure of a territorial unit.

Goal 2. Ensuring the sustainable development of the tourist and recreational sphere of a territorial unit.

  • Result 2.1. Optimization and modernization of objects of the tourist-recreational sphere.
  • Result 2.2. Generation and development of new services (goods) and types of activities in the tourist and recreational sphere.

Goal 3. Ensuring the sustainable development of the market for small and medium-sized businesses at a territorial unit.

  • Result 3.1 The business activity level growth of small and medium-sized businesses at a respective territories.
  • Result 3.2. Creation of a marketing information system of a particular territory and organizations.

Goal 4. Ensuring the formation of a marketing approach in economic and social activities of territorial administration bodies and development of local infrastructure.

  • Result 4.1. Optimization of managerial economic and social activity of territorial administration bodies.
  • Result 4.2. Improvement of the existing local infrastructure of a territorial unit.

Responsible for the project:

  • Smerichevskyj Sergij Frantsovych, DSc. (Economics), prof.
  • Head of Marketing Department, Research and Educational Institute for Economics and Management, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Phone: +380-67-6817605
  • E-mail:

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