Octopus-aqua – ask a plant

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Octopus-Aqua – automatic watering system for house plants

About the project

Many of you have encountered a problem of having to leave domestic plants unattended during holidays or business trips. And do not you want to give the plants to someone else’s hands?

Of course, there are always “do-it-yourself” solutions. One sticks bottles with their bottle-necks into soil, another wraps plants around with wet fabric bands, the third one masters dropper, and so on. However, often such solutions just do not work.

«Octopus aqua» – is readily available and extremely simple system that let you to remotely control watering of your plants.

In addition, the system is extremely compact and allows you to adjust the irrigation system not onlyfor groups but also for individual plants.

What actually people expect from the watering system:

  • watering at any time;
  • watering anywhere in the world;
  • watering is beng performed automaticly;
  • watering is adjustable;
  • low cost.

What we actually offer

How it works

So-called terminal is stuck into soil. It will precisely tell us about the plant wants (a light sensor will help to understand where it is better to locate the plant and let you know whether it is necessary to water the plant in view of solar light intensity, being measuring the temperature and luminosity, you will learn how quickly the moisture is removed from soil.

The only terminal is not enough, so a controller of windowstill enters the game. The terminal acquires data from sensors, and submits them to the windowstill controller, which then “thinks” about when, what, and how much to water. Each terminal also has a valve, and a pump in the tank.

Having received a signal from the controller, the pump pumps water into a water line. A valve opens by a signal from the controller, and water gets into the pot.

All the collected data is transferred to a server, where the user can get them from anywhere.

Thus a complete system includes: terminal with sensors, hydraulic pump, at least 30 meters of a hydraulic line with additional connecting elements, a water tank.

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