Mobile unmanned aerial complex М-10 «ОKO 2»

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Mobile unmanned aerial complex М-10 «ОKO 2»

Purpose and scope of use

Mobile unmanned aerial complex М-10 «ОKO 2» is used for the following tasks: remote surveillance of objects by air (separate buildings, roads, bridges, vehicles, oil and gas pipelines, transmission lines, etc.); monitoring of airspace in emergency situations (fires, earthquakes, floods, man-made disasters); search and rescue works; telemetry and video data transmission in on-line mode. Potential users of the unmanned complex are civil airlines, force and special structures of Ukraine.

Main technical characteristics

UAV M-10 “OKO 2” is a single-engined lightweight medium plan with a “V” -like empennage. The glider is made of fiberglass and carbon fiber, some loaded elements of the design are made of aluminum high-strength alloys. The main technical characteristics of the M-10 “OKO 2”: max. take-off mass – up to 4,95 kg; payload mass – up to 0,8 kg; flight duration – up to 120 min.; flight distance – up to 150 km; max. speed of flight – 150 km/h; max. height of flight – up to 2000 m; range of action (online video broadcast)– 22 km; digital data channels are protected; type of control system – semi-automatic / automatic.

Main advantages

The ability to operate without a base makes it possible to operate the M-10 “OKO 2″ in virtually any location. Thanks to the design features and small size, the UAV M-10 ” OKO 2″ has a small optical, acoustic and radar sensitivity. A significant load per unit area of ​​the wing allows keeping the top operational value of the wind component up to 22 m / s. The world’s analogs of this UAV are: Dragonfly Tango; Micropilot CropCam (Canada); EMT Aladin (Germany); Aeronautics Orbiter, IAI Bird Eye 400 (Israel) and others. Samples of UAV M-10 ” OKO 2″ were supplied to the force structures of Ukraine in the ATO zone in 2015-2016.

Intellectual property protection status

4 patents of Ukraine were obtained.

Demand on the market

The market for UAV is global: the need for them is formed by countries in connection with the gradual transition of operators from manned aircraft to unmanned aerial vehicles. The Ukrainian market has a capacity for the M-10 within the range of 100-150 complexes, some of which may be used by civil airlines, and part by special services. The world market can have a capacity of 700-1000 complexes.

The state of readiness

Completion of preliminary and defining departmental tests of the prototype.


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